Dear PCC Family,
What a fantastic weekend is coming for PCC, the community, and YOU!
1,000 Names
This is a new song by Phil Wickham that our worship team leaders (Danielle and Alexis) have introduced to us on Sunday morning. They thought you might want to listen to it on your own so that you are more familiar with it. So here it is!
This Sunday Morning
Here’s what’s happening this Sunday, November 17:
- At 9:30 am there will be Nursery for littles through Pre-Kindergarten, Sunday School for Kindergarten through 8th grade, and Growth Groups for 9th grade through adult. Please join us for an hour focused on the spiritual growth of everyone who attends.
- Then at 10:30 am is our worship service featuring the following:
- Pastor John Andrew will be continuing the sermon series: “Promise Made, Promise Kept” from the Gospel of Luke.
- There will be children’s church for 4 years through 3rd grade.
- Nursery for 0-3 year-olds will be available for the entire service.
College Students
We would like the current mailing addresses of all our college students. Would you please send them to the church office at by December 1? Thank you!
Interested In Baptism?
If you want to know more and/or want to be baptized, please contact the church office so we can talk about this with you.
Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes
We launched this Samaritan’s Purse ministry on Sunday, October 27. We were reminded that lots of folks that might want to participate can’t due to the damage they experienced from the recent hurricanes. So, would you consider filling one box for yourself and one for them? You can pick up a shoebox in the lobby or fill one online. Let’s break 200 this year! Contact Cheryl Bliss at with questions. (By the way, the shoeboxes are due back to PCC by November 24.)
Parking Lot Update
We recently received an incredibly generous donation of $60,000 toward paving the parking lot. You may recall that the best quote we found was for $125,000 to do the entire lot. This would make a much safer surface for walking and driving, would be easier to plow and maintain and should last for 20 years with minimal cost and care. We are hoping that there are PCCers that would like to contribute to this project so that we can pave the entire lot and get it scheduled for the spring of 2025. If you would like to give you can go to fund or send in a check made out to PCC with “parking lot” in the memo line. Thank you!
November Events
Please contact the church office for more information on any of these that you are interested in:
- Nov. 19 Blood drive
- Nov. 20 Summit youth group at LAC
- Nov. 22-24 Weekend to Remember marriage retreat
- Nov. 24 Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes due
- Nov. 28 Thanksgiving Day
Weekend To Remember
This excellent marriage weekend will take place in Saratoga Springs, November 22-24. Please contact Debbie Rapp at 315.430.3631 for more information.
Prayer Meetings
There is a group that meets to pray in the teen room at 12:00 pm on the first and third Wednesday each month. All are welcome, and we invite you to join us to pray for our church, our families, and whatever God places before us.
No Sunday School On December 1
We will not have Sunday School on December 1 due to the Thanksgiving weekend.
Discover PCC
We will hold a Discover PCC lunch that will be open to anyone that wants to find out more about PCC and/or membership. This will be after the service on Sunday, December 8. Please contact the church office if you are planning to attend.
Operating Fund Giving/November
- Monthly need = $34,839 Month-to-date giving = $22,621
- Yearly need = $464,064 Year-to-date giving = $449,329
Important Links and Resources:
- PCC’s Sunday Service Livestream
- PCC’s Website:
- PCC Office contact:| 315-677-3068
- PCC Oversight Council contact:
- PCC Oversight Council Meeting Minutes are available at the welcome center in the PCC Foyer or by email request.