PCC News: February 20, 2025
Dear PCC Family,
Men’s Night Out
The second gathering of guys will take place this Saturday, February 22, 5-7 pm. All men are invited to come for food, games, conversation and testimonies. Why not invite a few friends to join you for a great night out!?
Message From Pastor John Andrew
Greetings PCC,
This is an exciting weekend! We are looking forward to our Men’s Night on Saturday. If you’re free between 5–7, come join us for fellowship, food, and fun. Make sure to bring a friend! You can register here:
On Sunday, we will continue in the Gospel of Luke. I am praying the Lord uses his Word to stir your heart up to worship him as you recognize in deeper and more meaningful ways just how massive the Lord’s love is for you!
Can’t wait to worship with you!
Blessings, Pastor JA
This Sunday Morning
Here’s what’s happening this Sunday, February 23:
- There will be nursery, Sunday School and Growth Group at 9:30 am. We have something for every member of the family.
- Then at 10:30 am is our worship service:
- Pastor John Andrew will be preaching from Luke 4:31-44. He will lead us in communion after the sermon.
- There will be children’s church for 4 years through 3rd grade.
- Nursery for 0-3 year-olds will be available for the entire service.
February Calendar
- 22 Men’s night
- 26 Summit youth group at LAC
- 27 Open gym
- 28-Mar. 2 Teen Chill
Power Packs Delivery
We drop off bags of food at the Fabius-Pompey elementary school for kids to take home every Wednesday at 1:00 pm. We need drivers to pick them up at the church and drop them off at the school. The entire trip only takes about 30 minutes. If you can help once or twice in the next few months, please contact the church office. Thank you!
Teen Room Floor Project
We are excited to announce that we will be pulling up the carpet in the teen room and installing vinyl flooring in there. This will take place February 24-March 1. During this time the room will not be usable so contact Steve if you need help find a place to meet during the project.
Child Safety Class
Have you been having the tug on your heart to volunteer with our littles? There’s a wide array of ways to minister to our families and our kids. Want to volunteer in Nursery, Children’s Church, Sunday School teacher substitute, VBS, Summit Youth, or any other ways? Are you a member at PCC? We’d love for you to join our kid & youth teams! One of the first steps is taking our mandatory Child Safety class, which will be on Sunday, March 2.. It begins right after church in the teen room and will be done in an hour. Contact Christy Siau to sign up or if you have any questions at kidmin@pompeychurch.org.
Baptism Class & Service
We will be offering a baptism class on Sunday, March 9, at 9:00 am. This is for anyone that wants to find out more about baptism and those that definitely want to get baptized during the worship service on March 23. Please contact the church office if you plan to attend the class on the 9th.
Weekend To Remember
This year’s Family Life marriage getaway will be in Buffalo, March 21-23. You can register at weekendtoremember.com and save $100 by using our group name: PompeyChurch. Contact Debbie Rapp with questions at 315.430.3631.
Operating Fund Giving/February
- Monthly need = $32,693 Month-to-date giving = $32,158
- Yearly need = $425,802 Year-to-date giving = $59,911
Important Links and Resources:
- PCC’s Sunday Service Livestream
- https://www.youtube.com/@pompeycommunitychurch6893
- PCC’s Website: https://www.pompeychurch.org/
- PCC Office contact: office@pompeychurch.org| 315-677-3068
- PCC Oversight Council contact: oc@pompeychurch.org
- PCC Oversight Council Meeting Minutes are available at the welcome center in the PCC Foyer or by email request.