PCC News: March 27, 2025
Dear PCC Family,
This Sunday Morning
Here’s what’s happening this Sunday, March 30:
- There will be nursery, Sunday School and Growth Group at 9:30 am. We have something for every member of the family.
- At 10:30 am is our worship service:
- Pastor John Andrew will be preaching from Luke 6:1-11 and then lead communion after the message.
- There will be NOT be children’s church as it’s Family Sunday. Details below.
- Nursery for 0-3 year-olds will be available for the entire service.
- Please stop in the lobby after the service on Sunday to sign up for the Easter egg brunch on April 12. While you’re there, grab some books from the free book table!
- Everyone is invited to stay for the Ministry Celebration Lunch after the service. Enjoy great food, warm fellowship, and celebratory updates!
Family Sunday
Every 5th Sunday, PCC will be giving our Children’s Church volunteers and school age children a time to worship together. Therefore there will not be Children’s Church this Sunday, March 30. Quiet activities and kids’ sermon notes will be available in the foyer. Nursery is not affected and will take place as normal.
Ministry Celebration Lunch
The Oversight Council invites everyone to join them for lunch after the service this Sunday, March 30. We will have a potluck lunch so please bring a dish to share. After the meal the OC will lead us in celebrating many of the great things the Lord is doing in and through PCC.
Fabius Pompey Outreach
The Outreach is looking for a treasurer for their organization. We prayerfully ask that anyone who may have interest or know someone who may have interest reach out to Paul Gasparini at pgmets86@gmail.com. Thank you sincerely for your consideration.
Spring is here! The Fabius-Pompey Outreach geranium sale is under way. Order forms can be found by calling Laura Windhausen at 683-5240. You can also order online at www.fpoutreach.org – click on the “Geranium Sale” link. All proceeds help support the Outreach. Pick-up is Saturday, May 18 from 9-11am at the Immaculate Conception Church basement in Pompey. Geraniums are $3.50 each and are available in many colors. The last day to order is Thursday, May 9.
Online Giving Change
Change can be hard, but it can be exciting! PCC is changing to a different platform for its online giving. Does it change the Sunday morning giving? No. But for those who give online, the donation page now looks different. One change is Subsplash (our new platform) will give the option to offset the online giving costs. This is not mandatory; PCC will continue to cover those costs. But if you check to pay those costs, your entire amount is tax deductible and PCC will get the full amount of your donation. Contact Christy at bookkeeper@pompeychurch.org with any questions.
Easter Egg Hunt
Pompey Community Church and Country Critters are hosting an Easter Egg Hunt for our families and the community this year! It will take place on Saturday, April 12 at 10 am (rain date: April 19). After the hunt, we will be hosting a brunch for all in the gym for a time of fellowship and getting to know the families. Do you have a favorite egg or breakfast bake? Willing to pick up some bagels? Please stop at the table in the foyer on Sunday and sign up.
Community Meal
This free meal will be on Monday, April 14, 5:00-6:30 pm.
Good Friday Prayer Stations & Service
There will be prayer stations set up in the gym on Friday, April 18. These will be contemplative and be open from 4:30-5:30 pm so stop at any time during that hour. We recommend taking 15-20 minutes to go through them. The Good Friday service will start at 6:00 pm.
Easter Sunday Service
This will be a joyful, glorious celebration of our Risen Savior and Lord on Sunday, April 20! It will start at 10:30 am and is the ideal service to invite a friend or family member to. There will be nursery and children’s church available.
Operating Fund Giving/March
- Monthly need = $26,228 Month-to-date giving = $30,901
- Yearly need = $425,802 Year-to-date giving = $103,544
Important Links and Resources
- PCC’s Sunday service livestream
- https://www.youtube.com/@pompeycommunitychurch6893
- PCC’s website: https://www.pompeychurch.org/
- PCC office contact: office@pompeychurch.org | 315-677-3068
- PCC Oversight Council contact: oc@pompeychurch.org
- PCC Oversight Council meeting minutes are available at the welcome center in the PCC foyer or by email request.